Wren 2

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24 Pages, stapled, full color
Issue 2 of a 4 issue limited series, released quarterly
Age rating: General (Contains foul language)
Genre: Historical Fiction
Dimensions: 6.69x10.25 Inches
Cover price: $4.99
Written and illustrated by Peter Taylor
Colored and lettered by Jimmy Greenhalgh
Cover Illustrated by Yusuf Idris & Rifan 
Interior Cover Illustrated by Renzo Podesta

Series Overview: 

What if the Great Fire of London was no accident?

Issue Synopsis:

1666, London is in thrall of the plague. Locked down, no-one enters or leaves the city and Plague Doctors roam the streets.  

With the Society now under armed guard, Monck and Wren finalize the despicable plan to raze the worst affected parts of the city. An attempt to alert the mayor results in disaster and we learn Wren is hiding the fire’s real scale from BOTH sides! It’s the morning of the fire, realization dawns and the hunt for Wren is on!