Planet Comics 19

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32 Pages, stapled, Full Color
Age rating: Mature
Cover price: $4.99
Written by Various 
Illustrated by Various
Cover Art by Erwin Arroza

Issue Synopsis:
“Hunchback" (Timothy B. Fling, Horatio Lalia): In a distant and mechanized future, hundreds of years after the Apocalypse, a mechanical sexton still cares for an abandoned cathedral.  One morning, as he attends to his dreary daily tasks, he encounters something... unexpected.  Behold a wordless short story, told only with robotic sound effects, in which we learn that some legends never die... they just go offline.  "The Fantastic, Fearless, Fanatical Vampire Killer" (Rich Stahnke): The titular vampire killer believes he has uncovered a coven of vamps, but could there be something more sinister and evil prowling the East Texas roadways than a bunch of bloodsuckers?