Age rating: General
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-fi
Cover price: $3.99
Written and Illustrated by Steve Mannion
Cover illustration by Steve Mannion
Dimensions: 7x10 Inches
Issue Synopsis:
Hey Folks! We're back! Hyuck! Hyuck! ...Delivering this ONE-SHOT ISSUE of FEARLESS DAWN'S "SHORTS". Featuring five all-new short stories and 30 pages of content! All your favorite Fearless Dawn Universe characters re-enacting SHORT STORIES from history, legend, and folklore... in “RUN” we FREAK-OUT as Fearless Dawn encounters some ghouls and ghosties from the Haunted Devils Den!!! Colorfully rendered in ink, marker and watercolors and displayed inbeloved comic book format. In “General Mud” FD defeatsevery army in sight! FLIP THE EVER LOVIN' MUTHA OUT!!!-When you witness “Jack the Ripper” meeting his match!!! Dinosaurs, zombies, monsters and sexy gals permeate this tome of comic goodness! In ”FIGHT” Fearless dawn takes on her arch-nemesis Helga again for a duel to end all duels!! A MASSIVE AMOUNT of comic book fun coming at you from Asylum Press and comics creator, Steve Mannion.